
We are the prophets

Poets of this world

It’s not something that’s learnt

It’s a gift that is earned

By the broken and broke

Tell a joke, buy some smokes

Maybe even a whisky and coke


We are the storytellers of our history, 

Soothsayers of Mystery,

We face the future with uncertainty 

Live a present far from glittery


We capture the moments,

Snippets of life 

No matter how much we doubt the truth  

Behind the porcelain faces


We are the victims

That slip through the system

Beat down, Trodden, Still rising

We face our vulnerabilities

Accept our insecurities

Redefine our trials into survival

Become our own worst rivals

Trying to mend in gold

Through no fault of our own

I didn’t choose who to be born

But I chose to Live in the moments

Moments of happiness.  

Moments that fail to last a lifetime.


Poets of today

We are the Nabii.


Terra Nullius