Crown Chakra

You want to define me but I'm unrefined, my spirit aligned, I was born in the sky, daughter of Geb, Nefertiti, Starseed

Created to succeed

My conception marked the inception of a new age

A sage burning sage my destiny in my name. Engenoi. Born to be wise and witty.

I'm divine, feminine, masculine, night and day,

they called me bipolar before I mastered duality,

Beyond liminality

I transcend limitations

I can't be reduced to a label though I've never been stable

I've learnt to float between these astral planes

I am unbound, limitless beauty

I am divine


I learnt to lean on the most high

Trust my third eye

Visualise, visualise, visualise

Making time to set the balance everyday

Homemade, candle lit dinners

Chai, mandazi na chapati

Boundaries my best friend

I'm finally feeling safe

And can really start to mend

I'm a river with many bends

Oshuns powers flowing through my veins

It is me who waters the grains and sings the song that makes them grow

That sets the shine on the flowers, and makes them glow

Love, my superpower

My voice carries light across worlds

And I'm no where near the end

I'm just stepping into my power

I'm no longer running from the truth

Embracing authenticity

Living in duplicity

Rejecting toxicity

Regal, Royal Magestic flow

Just watch me grow




This Body’s Mine